EDCI 339 Blog Post 4

The privacy is critical during any internet activity. The consequences is bad when the failed to keep the privacy happened. The student who is participating any online activities should keep in mind, that any footprint they leave must be clean with any personal information. In other hand, it is important to let the students know the importance of protect the privacy, and know how does public and law protect them, such as the FIPPA. The student need to understand how to protect themself from the threat such as data breaching or unauthorized access, to Design their way to protect themselves.

At sometimes, the school or the instructor might take action which will affective the student’s privacy. It can be asking some private information to the student, like birth dates or the address. It is very critical to protect privacy, if the student the privacy are facing the potential threat, which the action should be stopped. But if the education facility followed the guideline and rule from FIPPA, or any law like that, and can insure the information won’t be leak, the action is acceptable. The digital learning is an new form of the study, there is many challenge ahead us, protecting privacy is the one most important of. If the education need to have some the privacy from the student, it must insure that these action won’t cost any harm. To balance well,between education and protection, we should insure that the we only take the information from the student when its necessarily, agree by the students and other members, and we are able to protect these information from any threat.

UDL is a teaching technique that helps every learner study with no difficulty. In the digital learning, to ensuring every students has access and feels included, it is important to let student feel that the digital tool is friendly to use, suitable on every learning style. In the design of the digital learning, make the platform flexible and accessible to the student, interesting the student to putting effort into the study. The platform should be friendly to all background of the student, regard to their language, culture and religion background. It also need to ensure that the platform could provide a way communicate between classes easily. UDL framework is very effective for digital learning be more friendly to the student, which could make the education easier and success

 The moral ethic should consider into education should be relate to the consideration of protecting the privacy. Using the digital tool might requires the student to share some information which could not be leaked. Any digital tool which require too many privacy should not be consider to use. To choose any digital tools, only collect the information when it is necessary and could ensure that these information wouldn’t be leaked. Also, any activity in the education should based by the guideline of laws and regulations, such as FIPPA, this is a way to ensure the education are using technology ethically.

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